Hotspot class

This defines a touch-sensitive area on screen, that invokes certain operations when touched.

The area can be also configured to invoke the operation only if touched for a certain period of time.

The invoked operation can be a function to call, an event to dispatch, or both.

Methods and properties:

class trajtracker.movement.Hotspot(event_manager=None, area=None, min_touch_duration=0, on_touched_dispatch_event=None, on_touched_callback=None)
__init__(event_manager=None, area=None, min_touch_duration=0, on_touched_dispatch_event=None, on_touched_callback=None)

The area that should be touched

Type:Any shape - from expyriment, or from trajtracker, or any other class with an overlapping_with_position() method

Logging level of this object: trajtracker.log_none, log_error (default), log_warn, log_info, log_debug, log_trace


The area will be considered as touched only when touched for at least this time :type: float (seconds)


A function to call when the hotspot is touched.

The function should expect time_in_trial as a single argument.


An event to dispatch when the hotspot is touched.

To use this, you must set event_manager in the constructor


Indicates whether the hotspot was touched during this trial (any time after reset() was called) :return: bool

update_xyt(position, time_in_trial, time_in_session=None)
  • position
  • time_in_trial
  • time_in_session – used only when working with an event manager (for dispatching an event)