MultiStimulus class

This class can present one or more stimuli during a trial. The class can handle Expyriment stimuli of any type - pictures, shapes, etc. You can easily configure the onset and offset time of each of the stimuli to present, so you can use this to present stimuli in RSVP.

The MultiStimulus object holds a set of preloaded stimuli that it can show, each with a string ID. On each trial, you define which of these stimuli to show. Thus, switching between stimuli is not time-consuming, and can be safely done in mid-trial. The only time-consuming operation is the initialization of stimuli, which would typically be done before the experiment starts.

Using this class:

Configuring the stimuli

When working with the MultiStimulis class, you define stimuli twice:

  • available_stimuli is the set of all stimuli that can be presented. Typically, you’ll define this before the experiment starts, and preload all stimuli. Each picture is assigned a string ID.
  • shown_stimuli is the list of stimuli shown in a specific trial. Here, you don’t reload the stimuli - you just specify their string IDs.

Controlling the onset and offset times of each picture can be done via the events mechanism or by directly calling some methods of this class. This works just like the MultiTextBox class - please see there for details.

Methods and properties:

class trajtracker.stimuli.MultiStimulus(available_stimuli=None, shown_stimuli=None, position=None, onset_time=None, duration=None, last_stimulus_remains=False, onset_event=None, terminate_event=< object>)
__init__(available_stimuli=None, shown_stimuli=None, position=None, onset_time=None, duration=None, last_stimulus_remains=False, onset_event=None, terminate_event=< object>)

Called when creating a MultiStimulus object

add_stimulus(stim_id, stimulus)

Add a stimulus to the set of available stimuli.

  • stim_id (str) – A logical name of the stimulus
  • stimulus – an expyriment stimulus

The pool of stimuli that can be presented.

Type:dict (key=string ID; value=an expyriment stimulus).

The duration of showing each stimulus.

A stimulus disappears when the duration expired or when a terminate_event was dispatched.

Type:list/tuple of numbers

Get a description of one of the stimuli (e.g., the filename in case of a picture)

Parameters:stimulus_num – The stimulus index

Initialize when a trial starts.

Do not use this function if you are working with the events mechanism.


Whether the last stimulus presented in the sequence should remain on screen (True), or has a limited duration similarly to the previous stimuli (False)


Logging level of this object: trajtracker.log_none, log_error (default), log_warn, log_info, log_debug, log_trace


The event which serves as a reference point for displaying stimul. All onset_time’s are indicated relatively to this event.

Note: This property is relevant only when working with events (with an EventManager)


The onset time of each stimulus, relatively to the onset_event.

Type:list/tuple of numbers

The position of the stimuli to show (x,y). This can be either a single tuple or a list of tuples, one per shown value


Register a function that should be called when a stimulus is shown/hidden


The function, which gets 4 parameters:

  1. The MultiStimulus/MultiTextBox object
  2. The stimulus/text number (0=first)
  3. Whether the stimulus is presented (True) or hidden (False)
  4. The time when the corresponding present() function returned

The stimuli to show in the trial (a list of strings, each is the stimulus ID)


When working without events: this sets time=0 for the texts to show (i.e., the onset_time are relatively to this time point).

This function will also invoke update_display().

Do not use this function if you are working with the events mechanism.

Parameters:time – The time in the current session/trial. This must be synchronized with the “time” argument of update_display()

Return an array of booleans, indicating whether each stimulus is presently visible or not. The array has as many elements as the number of stimuli (text/picture) presented.


A single stimulus that represents all the stimuli in this MultiTextBox


An event that terminates the display of stimuli, including the display of stimuli that are still scheduled to appear. Default: TRIAL_ENDED.

You can set to None to disable termination; however, note that in this case you might get strange behavior if the next trial starts while the stimuli are still being shown. To prevent this, you’ll have to take care yourself of cleaning up pending operations from the event manager.

Note: This property is relevant only when working with events (and with an EventManager)


An event indicating the time when the per-trial information was configured. By default, this is the TRIAL_INIITALIZED event.


  • This property is relevant only when working with events (and with an EventManager)
  • The property cannot be changed after the object was registered to an EventManager

Unegister a callback function previously registered with unregister_onset_offset_callback_func()

Parameters:func – The function

Set relevant stimuli as visible/invisible.

Do not use this function if you are working with the events mechanism.

Parameters:time – The time in the current session/trial. This must be synchronized with the “time” argument of start_showing()