StimulusAnimator class

Move a stimulus in a predefined visual trajectory.

The trajectory is defined by a separate class, a “trajectory generator”, which defines where the stimulus should appear in each time point. The trajectory generator should have a get_traj_point() method, which gets a time point (a number, specifying seconds) and returns a dict with the trajectory info at that time point (‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘visible’ entries, all optional).

See CircularTrajectoryGenerator for an example trajectory generator.

Methods and properties:

class trajtracker.movement.StimulusAnimator(animated_object=None, trajectory_generator=None, position_shift=None)
__init__(animated_object=None, trajectory_generator=None, position_shift=None)

Constructor - invoked when you create a new object by writing StimulusAnimator()


The object being moved by this animator. The object should be an Expyriment visual stimulus - i.e., with a present(clear,update) method and a “position” property


If true, the screen will be cleared on each frame by calling animated_object.present(clear=True)


If true, the screen will be updated on each frame by calling animated_object.present(update=True)


Logging level of this object: trajtracker.log_none, log_error (default), log_warn, log_info, log_debug, log_trace


(x,y) coordinates. The coordinates generated by the trajectory_generator will be shifted by this amount before updating animated_object

This property can be set to x,y tuple/list or to an expyriment.geometry.XYPoint


Reset the movement. This does not move the object, it just resets the time

Parameters:time0 – The time that counts as zero (when calling the position-generator)

An object that generates, per time point, the x,y coordinates where the animated object should be moved to


Call this function on each frame where you want the animated object to move.

Parameters:time – The time (typically - time from start of trial)