InstantaneousSpeedValidator class

Validator for momentary (instantanesous) speed: make sure that at each given moment, the movement speed is within the valid boundaries

Methods and properties:

class trajtracker.validators.InstantaneousSpeedValidator(axis=<ValidationAxis.y: 2>, enabled=True, min_speed=None, max_speed=None, max_stop_duration=None, grace_period=0, calculation_interval=0, movement_monitor=None)
__init__(axis=<ValidationAxis.y: 2>, enabled=True, min_speed=None, max_speed=None, max_stop_duration=None, grace_period=0, calculation_interval=0, movement_monitor=None)

Constructor - invoked when you create a new object by writing InstantaneousSpeedValidator()


The ValidationAxis on which speed is validated ValidationAxis.x or ValidationAxis.y: limit the speed in the relevant axis. ValidationAxis.xy: limit the diagonal speed


Time interval (in seconds) for testing speed: the speed is calculated according to the difference in (x,y) coordinates over a time interval at least this long.


The event on which the object should be disabled. This will work only when the object is registered to an EventManager

Note: This property is deprecated, use disable_events instead


The events on which the object should be disabled. This will work only when the object is registered to an EventManager

Type:collection of Event objects

The event on which the object should be enabled. This will work only when the object is registered to an EventManager

Note: This property is deprecated, use enable_events instead


The events on which the object should be enabled. This will work only when the object is registered to an EventManager

Type:collection of Event objects

Whether the object is currently functioning or disabled


The grace period in the beginning of each trial, during which speed is not validated (in seconds).


Logging level of this object: trajtracker.log_none, log_error (default), log_warn, log_info, log_debug, log_trace


The maximal valid instantaneous speed (coords/sec). Only positive values are valid. None = maximal speed will not be enforced.


The maximal allowed duration of a finger/mouse stop in mid-trial


The minimal valid instantaneous speed (coords/sec). Only positive values are valid. None = minimal speed will not be enforced.

If the finger completely stopped moving, speed information is N/A and this validation will not be triggered. To disallow full stops, use max_stop_duration


Called when a trial starts - reset any previous movement

Parameters:time0 – The time when the trial starts. The grace period will be determined according to this time.
update_xyt(position, time_in_trial, time_in_session=None)

Given a current position, check whether the movement complies with the speed limits.

  • position – Current (x,y) coordinates
  • time_in_trial – Time, in seconds. The zero point doesn’t matter, as long as you’re consistent until reset() is called.
  • time_in_session – ignored

None if all OK, ExperimentError if error