ExperimentInfo class (discrete choice)

This object keeps all the experiment data:

  • The configuration (Config) ;
  • TrajTracker objects such as the target, the “start” point, the movement validators, etc. ;
  • The data from the CSV file ;
  • Expyriment’s active_experiment object ; and
  • The experiment results.
class trajtrackerp.dchoice.ExperimentInfo(config, xpy_exp, subject_id, subject_name)
__init__(config, xpy_exp, subject_id, subject_name)

The program’s configuration parameters


Get the y coordinate where the target should be presented by default :return: tuple: (y coordinate, target height)


Get the y coordinate where speed validation should end

The ExperimentInfo class is an extension of BaseExperimentInfo so it contains all its properties too, as detailed below:

class trajtrackerp.common.BaseExperimentInfo(config, xpy_exp, subject_id, subject_name)

All objects relevant to this experiment


Add an object to event_sensitive_objects


Add an object to trajectory_sensitive_objects

add_validator(validator, name)

Add a validator to the experiment’s set of validators. The validator will also be registered in trajectory_sensitive_objects

  • validator – The validator object
  • name – The validator will also be saved as “exp_info.validator_<name>”
confidence_slider = None

A Slider for measuing subjective confidence rating


A text box for showing error messages (expyriment.stimuli.TextBox or an equivalent stimulus)

event_manager = None

An EventManager object (responsible for handling the app’s events)


A list of objects that need to be registered to the EventManager

exp_data = None

A dict with the experiment-level results

exported_trial_result_fields = None

Fields from trial.results that should be exported to the CSV file :type: dict: field name => default value


The fixation (a cross / symbol / etc)


The target non-text stimuli


If a trial was not completed for any reason (e.g., failed, aborted), use this function to return it to the pool of trials.

Parameters:trial – The trial object (previously popped from exp_info.trials)

The screen size (width, height) :type: tuple

session_out_filename = None

Name of session.xml results file

session_start_localtime = None

Time when the session started, as string

session_start_time = None

Time when the session started.

sound_err = None

Sound to play on trial failure (expyriment.stimuli.Audio)

sounds_ok = None

Sound/s to play when the trial succeeded (expyriment.stimuli.Audio)

This has more than one entry in case you used several sounds (configured by Config.sound_by_accuracy)


The start point (a StartPoint or RectStartPoint )

stimuli = None

A StimulusContainer object, containing all stimuli.

subject_id = None

Subject ID (As entered in Expyriment’s welcome screen)

subject_name = None

Subject name (as entered in the number-to-position app’s welcome screen)


The target text stimuli

traj_out_filename = None

Name of trajectory.csv results file


A list of all objects that need to know about the finger movement (e.g. TrajectoryTracker and the validators). For each of these objects, obj.reset(0) will be called when the trial is initialized (finger touches screen) and obj.update_xyt(position, time_in_trial, time_in_session) will be called on each frame when the finger moves (between the FINGER_STARTED_MOVING and FINGER_STOPPED_MOVING events).


A TrajectoryTracker object for tracking the finger trajectory

trials = None

The list of trials (loaded from the CSV file)

trials_file_writer = None

a DictWriter for the trials.csv file

trials_out_filename = None

Name of trials.csv results file

xpy_exp = None

Expyriment’s “Experiment” object