TrajTracker analysis toolbox: Directory structure


Where are all the files stored? / setting the toolbox after installation

The TrajTracker toolbox assumes that you store your data on the file system in a certain format and a certain directory structure.

The path for a given data file is almost always specified relatively a certain base path, which is defined by the TrajTrackerDataPath() function.

You can choose any base path you want, as long as you keep your files anywhere under it. If you choose base path = "/", you can put the files everywhere on your computer; but we recommend choosing a meaningful base path, so you can later move all your data to another location and you'll only have to modify TrajTrackerDataPath()

The TrajTrackerDataPath function is not provided with the toolbox. You will find, however, a file called TrajTrackerDataPath.m.txt. Copy it, remove the ."txt" suffix, edit the function to return the base path you chose, and put the function anywhere in your matlab path.

Storing datasets

Each dataset is stored in a separate directory, which is anywhere under the base path (not necessarily a direct child of the base path).

A dataset's directory contains two sub-directories: