General programming concepts in TrajTracker
TrajTracker uses some programming tools and concepts that go beyond what we may call "basic matlab programming skills". If you are not familiar with these, we hope the following may help.
Function handles
A function handle is a variable that represents a certain function. A handle to a function, say f(), can be passed as argument to another function, which would be able to call f() via that handle.
A common example to function handles is matlab's arrayfun():
a = 1:100; b = arrayfun(@(x)x^2, a);
arrayfun() gets two arguments - a function handle and an array - and applies to function to each element in the array.
The TrajTracker toolbox uses function handles for several goals. For example, tt.util.filterTrials() get the experiment data of one or several subjects and returns a corresponding data structure in which some of the trials were filtered out. To specify which trials should be included and which should be filtered out, tt.util.filterTrials() gets a function handle for a filtering function that defines, per trial, whether to include it or not.
For this to work, filterTrials() should know how to call the filtering function you provide it. The way it works is that filterTrials() only accepts functions with a certain signature (= arguments and return value) - e.g., it can get a filtering function that gets a single argument (the trial) and returns a boolean value (true/false, indicating whether the trial should be included).
You can define function handles in two ways: by specifying a handle to an already-defined function, or by defining function inline. For example:
function include = includeOnlyOddTargets(trial) include = mod(trial.Target, 2) == 1; end
%-- Refer to a predefined function
f = tt.util.filterTrials(mydataset, @includeOnlyOddTargets);
%-- Define a function inline
f = tt.util.filterTrials(mydataset, @(trial)mod(trial.Target, 2) == 1);
For more information on function handles, look here.
A class is an object containing several entries (fields), much similarly to a matlab struct. Still, there are some important differences between classes and |struct|s:
- Classes have names and are predefined. Don't think of a class as a variable; think of it as a definition of a complex type. You define a class, and then you can define variables of this class. Variables of a certain class are called objects. In TrajTracker, we use two main classes: ExperimentData (objects of this class contain information about a single experiment session of one subject) and OneTrialData (objects of this class contain all information of a single trial). The definition of a class is done in a file whose name becomes the class name.
- structs are dynamic, classes are not. The class definition declares a list of fields (also called "data members") that each object of that class should have. Any object of the class automatically gets these fields when initialized, and you cannot add new fields. To nevertheless allow dynamic addition of fields to our TrajTracker classes, we use a work-around that bypasses this limitation of matlab: in each of our classes (ExperimentData and OneTrialData), we defined a field called "Custom" (i.e., expData.Custom and trialData.Custom) whose value is initialized to a struct. Dynamic data can be added to these |struct|s, e.g.:
trialData.Custom.MyDynamicVariable = 3
- Classes have methods: a struct object contains data. A class contains both data and functions. The functions of a class, called methods, are defined as part of the class definition. The syntax for calling them resembles that of the class data members:
filtered = experimentData.filterTrials(...arguments...)
- Class objects can be passed by reference. When you assign the value of a variable/struct to a new variable (e.g., a = struct; b = a) you create a new copy of the data. Variables a and b are independent - changing a has no effect on b and vice versa. Similarly, if you pass a struct variable to a function and the function changes its value (e.g. adds a field), this change will not be reflected outside of the function. A class can decide to change this behavior (and TrajTracker classes indeed do), and decide that objects of this class will be handled by reference. This means that when you "copy" the object to a new variable, or pass it to a function, you don't really copy its data: you're only creating another reference to the same physical object (i.e. same memory location). Changing one will change the other. To see this, try the following code:
a = struct('x', 1); b = a; b.new_field = 3; disp(a.new_field); % This will result in an error: new_field was added to b but not to a
a = NLOneTrialData(1, 1); b = a; b.TrialIndex = 5; disp(a.TrialIndex);
- Classes have private members. In a struct, you can access all fields. In a class object, some fields may be defined as private, meaning that they can be accessed only by methods of that class. If you display the object from matlab command line, private members will not be shown.
To learn about matlab classes, look here
A shorter explanation with a simple example is here.