FixationZoom class

A fixation stimulus that starts as 4 dots, organized on the corners of a rectangle, and then moves them in to the rectangle’s center.

Using this class

Without the events mechanism

  • Create the FixationZoom
  • Add stimulus to your StimulusContainer
  • When the trial is initialized, call reset()
  • To show the fixation, call show()
  • To start zooming in the dots, call start_zoom()
  • To refresh the position of the dots as they zoom in, call update() or update_xyt() on each frame.
  • When timed out, the dots will auto-hide. Alternatively, you can explicitly call hide() to hide them and terminate the zoom-in process.

With the events mechanism

Methods and properties:

class trajtracker.stimuli.FixationZoom(position=(0, 0), box_size=(20, 20), dot_radius=2, dot_colour=(0, 0, 255), dot_generator=None, zoom_duration=0.2, stay_duration=0.1, show_event=None, start_zoom_event=None)
__init__(position=(0, 0), box_size=(20, 20), dot_radius=2, dot_colour=(0, 0, 255), dot_generator=None, zoom_duration=0.2, stay_duration=0.1, show_event=None, start_zoom_event=None)

The size of the virtual box occupied by the four dots before zooming in (width, height). Dots will appear at the corners of this box.


The colour of each of the 4 dots.

Ignored if dot_generator is overriden.

Type:(red,green,blue) tuple

A function that generates a stimulus to be used as one of the four dots.

The function receives one argument (the FixationZoom object) and returns a stimulus.

Default: generate circles.


The size of each of the 4 dots (in pixels)

Ignored if dot_generator is overriden.


Hide the dots; if zoom-in is still occurring, terminate it


Logging level of this object: trajtracker.log_none, log_error (default), log_warn, log_info, log_debug, log_trace


Coordinates of the fixation center (x,y)


Reset the fixation stimulus. Call this when the trial is initialized.


Show the dots in the virtual rectangle’s corners


When working with the the events mechanism: the event on which the fixation will be presented.

If None, start_zoom_event will also trigger the onset of the fixation.

Note: This cannot be TRIAL_INITIALIZED or TRIAL_STARTED - it must be a later event.


Start the zoom process


When working with the the events mechanism: the event on which the fixation will start zooming.

Note: This cannot be TRIAL_INITIALIZED or TRIAL_STARTED - it must be a later event.


Duration (in seconds) the stimulus remains on screen, after zoom in is finished, before it disappears.

If set to None, the stimulus will not disappear but remain on screen.


A StimulusContainer containing all the fixation’s dots


Call this method periodically (preferably on each frame) to refresh the position of the dots.

start_zoom() must be called first.

This method is equivalent to update_xyt()

update_xyt(position=None, time_in_trial=None, time_in_session=None)

Call this method periodically (preferably on each frame) to refresh the position of the dots.

start_zoom() must be called first.

This method is equivalent to update() . You may find this one more convenient because it has the same API as the update_xyt() methods of other classes.


Set the fixation visible/invisible. This is equivalent to calling show() or hide()


Duration (in seconds) it takes to “zoom in” the dots (move them to the center)