StimulusContainer class

Maintain several stimuli, and can present them all with a single command. You can also define some of the stimuli as temporarily invisible by setting their “visible” property.

Using this class

  • Create the container
  • Add visual objects to the container using add()
  • Once an object is added to the container, it will have a “visible” property, which you can set at any time.
  • Present the container using present() . All objects with visible=True will be presented.
  • Objects added to the container later will appear on top of earlier-added objects.
  • You can access objects from the container by writing container[obj_id], where obj_id is the ID you provided to add().
  • You can also tell the StimulusContainer to call a function when present() is called - to do this, use register_callback()

Methods and properties:

class trajtracker.stimuli.StimulusContainer(name=None)


Parameters:name – A name that identifies this container (this is used only to print in log messages)
add(stimulus, stimulus_id=None, visible=True)

Add a stimulus to the container.

  • stimulus – An Expyriment stimulus, or any other object that has a similar present() method
  • stimulus_id – Stimulus name. Use it later to set the stimulus as visible/invisible. If not provided or None, an arbitrary ID will be generated.
  • visible – See The stimulus ID (as defined in set_visible())


Logging level of this object: trajtracker.log_none, log_error (default), log_warn, log_info, log_debug, log_trace


The time when the object should disappear from screen.

Type:Event, or None to avoid automatic offset.

The time when the object should appear on screen.

Type:Event, or None to avoid automatic onset.
present(clear=True, update=True)

Present all visible stimuli in the container Stimuli marked as invisible will not be shown

  • clear – See in Expyriment <>
  • update – See in Expyriment <>

The duration (in seconds) this function took to run

register_callback(callback_func, recurring=False, func_id=None)

Register a “present callback” - a function that should be called when the StimulusContainer is present()ed

  • callback_func

    A function or another callable object, which will be called. This function takes these arguments -

    1. The StimulusContainer object
    2. a tuple with the IDs of the stimuli that were actually presented (i.e., stimuli that had stim.visible == True)
    3. The time when present() returned
  • recurring – True = invoke the function on each present() call. False = Invoke the function only on the next present(), and then forget this function.
  • func_id – A logical ID for a recurring function (it can be used to unregister the function later)

Remove a stimulus from the container

Parameters:stimulus_id – The ID to remove
Returns:True if removed, False if not found

Clear all non-recurring listeners that were previously registered


Unregister a recurring listener function that was previously registered via register_callback()

Parameters:func_id – The function ID that was provided to register_callback()
Returns:True if unregistered, False if there is no registered recurring function with the given func_id