Slider class

A slider is used to set a value on a given scale: you use the mouse to drag a gauge along a given line (or any other stimulus on your choice). The gauge’s physical coordinate is translated to a value on a customizable linear scale.

Main features:

  • Vertical / horizontal slider.
  • Get the slider value using a numeric scale of your choice.
  • Track the number of times the gauge was moved since the trial started.
  • Limit the gauge movement (how far it can move, how many times it can move).
  • Configurable background stimulus (e.g. a line) and gauge stimulus

Using this class:

To configure the slider:

To use it (e.g., during a trial):

  • Set the slider visible
  • Call reset() when the trial starts
  • Call update() to inform the slider whether the mouse is clicked or not and about its position.
  • Obtain the slider value via current_value
  • Check how many times it was moved via n_moves

Methods and properties:

class trajtracker.stimuli.Slider(bgnd_stimulus, gauge_stimulus, orientation=<Orientation.Horizontal: 1>, min_value=0, max_value=100, default_value=None, max_moves=None, visible=False, slidable_range=None, position=None)
__init__(bgnd_stimulus, gauge_stimulus, orientation=<Orientation.Horizontal: 1>, min_value=0, max_value=100, default_value=None, max_moves=None, visible=False, slidable_range=None, position=None)



The stimulus serving as the background for this slider.


The area that can be clicked in order to start moving the gauge.


The slider’s current value, in numeric units.

Setting this property will move the gauge accordingly. Also, the value will be trimmed to the valid range, setting to None will hide the gauge, and setting to non-None will show it.


The slider’s default value. This determines the initial position of the gauge after reset() is called.

If set to None, the gauge will only appear once the slider is touched.

Values exceeding min_value or max_value are cropped.


The area in which the mouse can move to continue moving the gauge.

If the mouse exits this area, it’s considered as if it was unclicked (i.e. the gauge will stop at its present position).


The stimulus serving as the gauge that actually slides.


Whether the gauge can now move feely (locked = False) or not (locked = True)


Logging level of this object: trajtracker.log_none, log_error (default), log_warn, log_info, log_debug, log_trace


The maximal number of times the gauge can move after reset() was called.

If this number is exceeded, the slider is locked

Value = None means no restriction.


The value at the slider’s right/top end

If min_value > max_value, the slider is reversed (i.e., the smaller value is at the right or top)


The value at the slider’s left/bottom end

If min_value > max_value, the slider is reversed (i.e., the smaller value is at the right or top)


Get the number of times the gauge was moved since the last call to reset()


The slider’s orientation (horizontal or vertical).

Changing the orientation will not cause bgnd_stimulus or gauge_stimulus to be rotated; it only affects the direction where the gauge can be moved.


The slider’s position, which is the position of bgnd_stimulus

Type:tuple (x, y)

Reset the slider (when a new trial starts).

The slider will be reset to its default value. If it was locked, it will be unlocked.

set_clickable_area(area, relative_position=False)

Set clickable_area : the area that can be clicked in order to start moving the gauge.

  • area – A stimulus. None = use default area (= bgnd_stimulus)
  • relative_position – The area’s position, relative to bgnd_stimulus. If this parameter is None, area.position will be used as absolute screen coordinates.
set_drag_area(area, relative_position=False)

Set drag_area : the area in which the mouse can move to continue moving the gauge.

  • area – A stimulus. None = remove this restriction, finger/mouse can move anywhere to continue dragging the gauge.
  • relative_position – The area’s position, relative to bgnd_stimulus. If this parameter is None, area.position will be used as absolute screen coordinates.

Get the slider’s size, which is the size of bgnd_stimulus

Type:tuple (width, height)

The range on which the gauge can slide (in the relevant direction according to orientation). Specified in pixels, relatively to the stimulus position.

None means that the range is determined by the size of bgnd_stimulus

Type:tuple with two integers (min, max)

The slider object (background + gauge)

update(clicked, xy)

Update the slider according to mouse movement

Note: Unlike other stimulus objects in TrajTracker, here you should call the update() function also when the mouse is unclicked.

  • clicked – Whether the mouse is presently clicked or not
  • xy – The coordinate to which the gauge is being dragged (x, y). This parameter is ignored in some situations, e.g., when clicked=False, when slider is locked, etc.

Whether the slider is now visible or not.

Note that even if the slider is visible, the gauge may sometimes be hidden.