Functions common to several paradigms

Functions in


Create configuration for the experiment - object common to several paradigms.

exp_info.trials must be set before calling this function.

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) –

Create a CSVLoader for loading the data from the CSV file; initialize the loader with definitions of the columns common to all paradigms.


Create a stimulus that can show the error messages

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects

Create the fixation shape

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects

Create a handler for non-text targets (pictures, shapes, etc.). This object supports multiple targets (so it can be used for RSVP, priming, etc.)

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects

Create the “start” area, with default configuration

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects

Create a textbox to serve as the fixation.

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects

Create a textbox to serve as the target. This text box supports multiple texts (so it can be used for RSVP, priming, etc.)

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects

Create the object that tracks the trajectory

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects
trajtrackerp.common.create_validators(exp_info, direction_validator, global_speed_validator, inst_speed_validator, zigzag_validator)

Create movement validators, with default configuration.

  • exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects
  • direction_validator (bool) – Whether to include the validator that enforces upward-only movement
  • global_speed_validator (bool) – Whether to validate that the finger reaches each y coordinate in time
  • inst_speed_validator (bool) – Whether to validate the finger’s instantaneous speed
  • zigzag_validator (bool) – Whether to prohibit zigzag movement

tuple: (list_of_validators, dict_of_validators)

trajtrackerp.common.get_parser_for(type_cast_function, delimiter=';', always_create_list=False)

Given a type name (or an str->type parsing function), return a function that can parse both this type and delimited lists of this type.

This is used for parsing CSV files


Get the name (optional) and the initials of the subject

trajtrackerp.common.load_sound(config, filename)

Load a sound file

  • config – The experiment configuration object
  • filename – No path needed. The file is expected to be under config.sounds_dir

Register all event-sensitive objects to the event manager

Parameters:exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.num2pos.ExperimentInfo) – The experiment-level objects
trajtrackerp.common.validate_config_param_type(param_name, param_type, param_value, none_allowed=False, type_name=None)

Validate that a certain configuration parameter is of the specified type

trajtrackerp.common.validate_config_param_values(param_name, param_value, allowed_values)

Validate that a certain configuration parameter is one of the listed values

trajtrackerp.common.xy_to_pixels(value, screen_size, parameter_name)

Translate a stimulus size or position to pixels.

The input is either one value (x or y) or a pair of values (x, y). It may denote either a stimulus size or a position.

If x/y is an int value (or a pair of ints), it is left unchanged. If it is a float value, it is interpreted as percentage of the screen size. In this case, the value should be between 0.0 and 1.0 for size, or between -0.5 and 0.5 for position (but the function will accept any value between -0.5 and 1.0)

  • value – The value to convert - either a number or a pair of numbers
  • screen_size – The screen size - either a number or a pair of numbers (must match the “value” paremeter)
  • parameter_name – If this is not None, errors will yield an exception, indicating this parameter

An int or a pair of ints (scale = pixels). If the input value is not a valid size, return None.

Functions in


Initialize the experiment environment

trajtrackerp.common.on_finger_started_moving(exp_info, trial)

This function should be called when the finger leaves the “start” area and starts moving

trajtrackerp.common.on_finger_touched_screen(exp_info, trial)

This function should be called when the finger touches the screen

trajtrackerp.common.open_trials_file(exp_info, additional_fields)
Parameters:additional_fields – List of field names in the CSV file (on top of the common fields)
trajtrackerp.common.prepare_trial_out_row(exp_info, trial, success_err_code)

Get values to save in the trials.csv output file

Returns:A dict with some values for the file
trajtrackerp.common.save_session_file(exp_info, paradigm)

Save the session.xml file

trajtrackerp.common.show_fixation(exp_info, visible=True)
trajtrackerp.common.trial_failed_common(err, exp_info, trial)

Called when the trial failed for any reason (only when a strict error occurred; pointing at an incorrect location does not count as failure)

trajtrackerp.common.update_attr_by_csv_config(exp_info, trial, target_obj, csv_name, attr_name)

Update one attribute of an object from the corresponding entry in the config CSV file

  • exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.common.BaseExperimentInfo) –
  • trial (trajtracker.paradigms.common.BaseTrialInfo) –
  • target_obj – The object containing the attribute to update
  • csv_name (str) – The column name in the CSV file
  • attr_name (str) – The name of the attribute to update

Whether updated anthing or not

trajtrackerp.common.update_fixation_for_trial(exp_info, trial)

Update the fixation when the trial is initialized

trajtrackerp.common.update_generic_target_for_trial(exp_info, trial)

Update properties of the generic stimuli according to the current trial info

trajtrackerp.common.update_movement_in_traj_sensitive_objects(exp_info, trial, within_movement_time=True)

Update the trajectory-sensitive objects about the mouse/finger movement

Parameters:within_movement_time – Indicates whether the this is currently the finger’s movement time (between start of detected movement and a response being made). The function may also be called outside this time interval.
Returns:None if all is OK; or an ExperimentError object if one of the validators issued an error
trajtrackerp.common.update_text_target_for_trial(exp_info, trial, use_numeric_target_as_default=False)

Update properties of the text stimuli according to the current trial info

  • exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.common.BaseExperimentInfo) –
  • trial (trajtracker.paradigms.common.BaseTrialInfo) –
  • use_numeric_target_as_default – For number-to-position paradigm: if this is set to True, the column in the CSV input file becomes optional, and the “target” column is used as the default text to show.
trajtrackerp.common.update_obj_position(exp_info, trial, visual_obj, col_name_prefix, x_or_y)

Update the position of a visual object according to “position.x” or “position.y” columns

  • exp_info (trajtracker.paradigms.common.BaseExperimentInfo) –
  • trial (trajtracker.paradigms.common.BaseTrialInfo) –
  • visual_obj – The object containing the attribute to update
  • col_name_prefix (str) – Prefix of the column name in the CSV file
  • x_or_y – ‘x’ or ‘y’, indicating which column to look for in the CSV file

Whether updated anthing or not

trajtrackerp.common.wait_until_finger_moves(exp_info, trial)

The function returns after the finger started moving (or on error)

Returns:None if all OK; if trial should terminate, a tuple with two values: (1) (2) An ExperimentError object