CSV configuration file

The file format for number-to-position experiments and discrete-choice experiments is very similar. This page describes both.


The CSV file contains one line per trial. The possible columns in this file are defined below.

Via the CSV config file, you can define per trial:

  • The stimuli to show
  • The time when stimuli appear / disappear
  • The fixation text (in case you used config.use_text_targets = True)
  • Visual properties of the stimuli, the fixation, and the number line (e.g., position, font, etc.)
  • The target location (in case of number-to-position experiments)

All columns that refer to stimuli can contain either a single value or a semicolon-separated list of values (at least one per target; excessive values are ignored).

Conventions for column names

  • Columns that refer to the text stimuli (the MultiTextBox object) are called text.<something>.
  • Columns that refer to non-text stimuli (the MultiStimulus object) are called genstim.<something>.
  • Columns that refer to the fixation stimulus are called fixation.<something>.
  • In the number-to-position paradigm: Columns that refer to the number line are called nl.<something>.

Columns to define the target stimulus & response location

There are two columns where you can indicate the target to present - one for text targets (a MultiTextBox ) and one for non-text targets (a MultiStimulus ). Each of these columns can include several stimuli, separated by semicolon. In other columns, you can define the time when each of these stimuli will appear on screen and disappear.

The text(s) to present as the target stimulus.

The MultiStimulus generic stimulus keeps all stimuli in a StimulusSelector where each stimulus has a string ID. genstim.target is the ID(s) of the stimulus (or stimuli) to present as targets.

If you include here several semicolon-separated stimulus IDs (e.g. to create an RSVP), you can repeat the same target more than once (e.g. “shape1;shape2;shape1;shape3”).

This column is mandatory if you are using generic stimuli (config.use_generic_targets = True)

target (mandatory column, exists only in the number-to-position paradigm)
The target location on the number line. If you use text stimuli (config.use_text_targets = True) and the text.target column was not defined, the target column indicates not only the target location, but also the single text stimulus.
In the discrete-choice paradigm, this column indicates which is the correct response button: 0 (left) or 1 (right).
left_resp_btn.text, right_resp_btn.text
In the discrete-choice paradigm: text to write on each of the response buttons

Columns to define visual properties

All these columns are optional.

The position of the stimulus / fixation / number line - x and y coordinates, separated by a colon, e.g.: “10:20” for x=10, y=20.
The position of the stimulus / fixation / number line - either x or y coordinates (the other coordinate can be defined either in another column or just in the initialization script).
Specify the horizontal position of the fixation / number line as percentage of the screen width
The time to present the stimulus, specified in seconds relatively to the baseline event (which is TRIAL_STARTED in case config.stimulusThenMove is True, and FINGER_STARTED_MOVING in case config.stimulusThenMove is False).
If several targets were specified (in the text.target or genstim.target columns), you cannot specify a single onset_time - you must provide an onset_time per target.
The duration of presenting the target (in seconds), or a semicolon-separated list of durations - one per target.
The font name; or a semicolon-separated list of names.
The font size (integer); or a semicolon-separated list of integers.
Use bold font (boolean - “True” or “False”); or a semicolon-separated list of booleans.
Use italic font (boolean - “True” or “False”); or a semicolon-separated list of booleans.
Use underline font (boolean - “True” or “False”); or a semicolon-separated list of booleans.
Horizontal justification - the word “left”, “right”, or “center”; or a semicolon-separated list of justifications.
The font RGB color - 3 colon-separated integers between 0 and 255 (R:G:B, e.g., “0:0:255” is blue); or a semicolon-separated list of RGB’s.
Background color (R:G:B); or a semicolon-separated list of RGB’s.
The textbox size, in pixels (width:height); or a semicolon-separated list of sizes
The text to show as fixation stimulus. This is applied only if config.fixation_type = ‘text’

Columns to modify behavior

The finger’s minimal movement time (= duration from starting to move until making a response)