Experiment results¶
Each experiment session yields 3 results files, stored in the data sub-directory:
General information about the experiment session (e.g., when it was run, the subject ID, the experiment ID, etc.).
File name: session_<subjid>_<time>.xml
Trials file: a CSV file with one line per trial, containing various trial-level information.
File name: trials_<subjid>_<time>.csv
Trajectory file: a CSV file with the trajectory data.
File name: trajectory_<subjid>_<time>.csv
In all files, <subjid> is the subject ID provided in the application’s welcome page (not Expyriment’s opening page).
session.xml file¶
The file contains various parameters about the experiment session, as detailed below.
<software name="TrajTracker" version="0.0.1"/>
<paradigm name="NL" version="1.0"/> <!-- NL: Indicates that this is the numberline paradigm -->
<!-- version: of the number to position package-->
<experiment name="Num2Pos(0-100*2)"/> <!-- The value provided in config.experiment_id -->
<subject expyriment_id="5" id="dd"> <!-- expyriment_id: subject ID provided in Expyriment's opening page -->
<!-- id: subject ID provided in the page following the subject name -->
<name>Dror Dotan</name> <!-- As provided in the opening page -->
<session start_time="2017-05-08 21:08:03">
<data name="WindowWidth" type="number" value="800" /> <!-- In pixels -->
<data name="WindowHeight" type="number" value="600" />
<data name="nTrialsFailed" type="number" value="1" />
<data name="nTrialsSucceeded" type="number" value="202" />
<data name="nTrialsCompleted" type="number" value="5" /> <!-- Succeeded and failed -->
<data name="nExpectedTrials" type="number" value="4" /> <!-- No. of trials in the data source -->
<!-- The position that counts as the start of movement (above the "start" rectangle) -->
<data name="TrajZeroCoordX" type="number" value="0" />
<data name="TrajZeroCoordY" type="number" value="-270" />
<!-- Names of the other results files -->
<file name="trials_dd_20170508_2108.csv" type="trials" />
<file name="trajectory_dd_20170508_2108.csv" type="trajectory" />
Trials file¶
The trials file contains one line per completed trial (both succeeded and failed). It has the following columns:
- trialNum: The trial’s serial number
- LineNum: The line number in the input CSV trials file
- presentedTarget: The stimulus presented
- status: Either “OK” or “ERR_<error-code>”
- movementTime: Time (in seconds) between the finger starting to move and reaching the number line
- timeInSession: The time when the trial started, relatively to the session start time.
- timeUntilFingerMoved: Time from touching the screen until the finger left the “start” area.
- timeUntilTarget: Time from touching the screen until the target’s t=0 (note that if you defined onset_time > 0 for all targets, this time will be earlier than the targets’ actual onset time). In stimulusThenMove mode, this value is always 0.
- The columns from the trials input file.
- text.position, genstim.position: These fields will appear if the input file changed the stimulus position in any way (even if only x or y coordinates were defined). They will contain the stimuli position(s), formatted as x1:y1;x2:y2;x3:y3 etc.
In the number-to-position paradigm, the file also contains these columns:
- target: The target location
- endPoint: The location mrked by the subject on the number line, using the number line’s scale
- nl.position.x, nl.position.y: The number line’s position, in pixels. These columns will appear even if the input file contained the columns nl.position.x% or nl.position.y%
In the discrete-choice paradigm, the file also contains these columns:
- expectedResponse: The button expected to be selected (0 = left, 1 = right, -1 = unknown)
- UserResponse: The button actually selected (0 = left, 1 = right)
Trajectory file¶
The trials file contains one line per trajetory point. Only succeeded trials are saved here. The file has the following columns:
- trial: The trial number (matches trialNum in the trials.csv file)
- time: The time when this point was sampled, relatively to the trial’s start time (when the finger touched the screen).
- x, y: Coordinates